If you need to change Registrant (Owner), Admin, Tech, and/or Billing Contacts on your domain(s), you can follow these steps:
If you want to update the information on multiple domains, you can use a Saved Contact to avoid entering the same information multiple times:
Account Contact
You can also change the Account Contact, and apply those changes to the Registrant, Admin, Tech, and/or Billing Contacts for every domain on the account:
After Submitting Changes
Changes to contact information must be approved by the current contact. The Registrant Contact must approve changes to the Registrant, Admin, Tech, and/or Billing Contacts. The Account Contact must approve changes to the Account Contact information. The contact must approve changes within 3 days.
If the email address of any contact is changed, we email the new contact to get approval before we ask the current contact. After the new contact approves, we email the current Registrant Contact or Account Contact. Both the new and current contacts must approve within 3 days.