We can automatically renew your domains. If you choose to use this Automatic Renewal, you will need to save a credit card or debit card on your account. The renewal will be made 30 days before the domain expires.
If Automatic Renewal is enabled on a domain that expires in less than 30 days, the renewal will be made within 24 hours.
The default length of renewal with Automatic Renewal is one year, but you can set it to renew for one, two, three, four, or five years. The same renewal length will apply to all Automatic Renewals on your account.
Please follow these steps to set or change Automatic Renewal settings:
We cannot cancel or refund an Automatic Renewal after it is completed. If you previously enabled Automatic Renewal and decide that you do not want to renew a domain, you must disable Automatic Renewal at least 31 days before the expiration date:
Problems With Automatic Renewal
If your saved card expires before the renewal is completed, we will contact you ahead of time so that you can update the card.
We will contact you if the saved card is declined.
If you update the saved card or provide a new saved card more than 30 days before the expiration date, the renewal will be made 30 days before the expiration date. If the changes are made less than 30 days before a domain expires, the renewal will be made within 24 hours.