Up: Billing

Refund Policy

We automatically refund any transfer that is not completed. The refund is made as soon as the transfer is canceled.

We cannot refund on registrations or renewals. The costs are non-refundable because it is not possible to unregister a domain or remove years from a domain.


Weebly plans that are cancelled within 14 days are eligible for a refund. The cancelation must be completed within 14 days. We will refund the full costs for the cancelled Weebly plan, but not any domain name registration, transfer, or renewal charges.

Weebly plans that are upgraded or downgraded cannot be refunded. However, any remaining pre-paid full months of the previous plan are eligible for a credit towards the new plan, up to the cost of the new plan.

Example 1: If you pay for one year of a Pro Plan ($139/year) and upgrade to a Business Plan ($299/year) during the second month, you have 10 pre-paid full months. That will allow a credit of $115.83 towards the Business Plan.

Example 2: If you pay for one year of a Pro Plan ($139/year) and downgrade to a Starter Plan ($89/year) during the second month, you have 10 pre-paid full months. The credit cannot exceed the cost of the new plan ($89), so you would not get the same $115.83 credit that you would on an Upgrade. Instead, the credit would cover the entire cost of the Starter Plan for one year, but would not carry over to any other services of future years on the Starter Plan.