Each Weebly site must be assigned to a single domain name. If your domain is “example.com”, then your Weebly site will operate if anyone on the Internet browses to “example.com” or “www.example.com”.
Custom DNS must be enabled on the site for the Weebly site editor to work properly. Whenever you activate Weebly, we will turn this on for you. This may involve changing your DNS server information. In order to disable custom DNS, you will need to cancel your Weebly site or reassign it to a different domain name.
Pointing multiple domain names to the same site
Pick one domain as the primary domain that will be assigned to the site. Then you can use our URL Forwarding feature in the custom DNS interface to point the other domain names to your primary domain:
Reassigning a site
You may move a site between domain names on the same account. When you do this, your site plan, expiration date, and billing information will remain unchanged. We will automatically update DNS on the new domain to point to your site and remove DNS information about the site from the old domain name.
You can follow these steps to reassign a site: